transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈkle-vər ]
Etymology: Middle English cliver, perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Danish dialect kløver alert, skillful
Date: circa 1595
a. : skillful or adroit in using the hands or body : nimble
clever fingers
b. : mentally quick and resourceful
a clever young lawyer
2. : marked by wit or ingenuity
a clever solution
a clever idea
3. dialect
a. : good
b. : easy to use or handle
• clev·er·ish -v(ə-)rish adjective
• clev·er·ly -vər-lē adverb
• clev·er·ness -vər-nəs noun
clever , adroit , cunning , ingenious mean having or showing practical wit or skill in contriving. clever stresses physical or mental quickness, deftness, or great aptitude
a person clever with horses
adroit often implies a skillful use of expedients to achieve one's purpose in spite of difficulties
an adroit negotiator
cunning implies great skill in constructing or creating
a filmmaker cunning in his use of special effects
ingenious suggests the power of inventing or discovering a new way of accomplishing something
an ingenious software engineer
Synonym: see in addition intelligent .