transcription, транскрипция: [ kō-ˈäpt ]
transitive verb
Etymology: Latin cooptare, from co- + optare to choose
Date: 1651
a. : to choose or elect as a member
b. : to appoint as a colleague or assistant
a. : to take into a group (as a faction, movement, or culture) : absorb , assimilate
the students are co-opt ed by a system they serve even in their struggle against it — A. C. Danto
b. : take over , appropriate
a style co-opt ed by advertisers
• co-op·ta·tion ˌkō-ˌäp-ˈtā-shən noun
• co-op·ta·tive kō-ˈäp-tə-tiv adjective
• co-op·tion -ˈäp-shən noun
• co-op·tive -ˈäp-tiv adjective