transcription, транскрипция: [ kən-ˈsep-shən ]
Etymology: Middle English concepcioun, from Anglo-French concepcion, from Latin conception-, conceptio, from concipere
Date: 14th century
(1) : the process of becoming pregnant involving fertilization or implantation or both
(2) : embryo , fetus
b. : beginning
joy had the like conception in our eyes — Shakespeare
a. : the capacity, function, or process of forming or understanding ideas or abstractions or their symbols
b. : a general idea : concept
c. : a complex product of abstract or reflective thinking
d. : the sum of a person's ideas and beliefs concerning something
3. : the originating of something in the mind
Synonyms: see idea
• con·cep·tion·al -shnəl, -shə-n ə l adjective
• con·cep·tive -ˈsep-tiv adjective