I. ˈdik-ˌtāt, dik-ˈ verb
( dic·tat·ed ; dic·tat·ing )
Etymology: Latin dictatus, past participle of dictare to assert, dictate, frequentative of dicere to say — more at diction
Date: 1581
intransitive verb
1. : to give dictation
2. : to speak or act domineeringly : prescribe
transitive verb
1. : to speak or read for a person to transcribe or for a machine to record
a. : to issue as an order
b. : to impose, pronounce, or specify authoritatively
c. : to require or determine necessarily
injuries dictated the choice of players
II. ˈdik-ˌtāt noun
Date: 1594
a. : an authoritative rule, prescription, or injunction
b. : a ruling principle
according to the dictate s of your conscience
2. : a command by one in authority