Meaning of DIZZY in English

I. ˈdi-zē adjective

( diz·zi·er ; -est )

Etymology: Middle English disy, from Old English dysig stupid; akin to Old High German tusig stupid

Date: before 12th century

1. : foolish , silly


a. : having a whirling sensation in the head with a tendency to fall

b. : mentally confused


a. : causing giddiness or mental confusion

dizzy heights

b. : caused by or marked by giddiness

c. : extremely rapid

prices climbing at a dizzy rate

• diz·zi·ly ˈdi-zə-lē adverb

• diz·zi·ness -zē-nəs noun

II. transitive verb

( diz·zied ; diz·zy·ing )

Date: 1501

1. : to make dizzy or giddy

2. : bewilder

disasters that dizzy the mind

• diz·zy·ing·ly -zē-iŋ-lē adverb

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