transcription, транскрипция: [ ik-ˈstiŋ-(g)wish ]
transitive verb
Etymology: Latin exstinguere (from ex- + stinguere to extinguish) + English -ish (as in abolish ); akin to Latin in stigare to incite — more at stick
Date: circa 1540
(1) : to bring to an end : make an end of
hope for their safety was slowly extinguish ed
(2) : to reduce to silence or ineffectiveness
b. : to cause to cease burning : quench
c. : to cause extinction of (a conditioned response)
d. : to dim the brightness of : eclipse
a. : to cause to be void : nullify
extinguish a claim
b. : to get rid of usually by payment
extinguish a debt
• ex·tin·guish·able -(g)wi-shə-bəl adjective
• ex·tin·guish·er -shər noun
• ex·tin·guish·ment -mənt noun