Meaning of EXTINGUISH in English

ikˈstiŋgwish, -wēsh, chiefly in pres part -wəsh; ÷-ŋw- verb

( -ed/-ing/-es )

Etymology: Latin exstinguere, extinguere (from ex- ex- (I) + stinguere to extinguish) + English -ish (as in abolish ); akin to Latin in stigare to urge on, incite — more at stick

transitive verb


a. : to cause (as a fire or light) to cease burning : put out : quench

extinguishing the flames

threw water on the glowing coals to extinguish them

the lamps were all extinguished


(1) : to bring (as life or hope) to an end : make an end of : cause to die out : do away with entirely : blot out of existence : wipe out : make extinct : destroy , annihilate

a way of life which one might expect to have been extinguished almost two generations ago — E.H.Spicer

death will not extinguish us — W.L.Sullivan

extinguishing the last glimmer of hope

: suppress (an institution or an official position)

extinguishing monasteries by an act of the king

whose office of paymaster of works was extinguished by these efforts — John Craig

(2) : to reduce to silence or ineffectiveness : choke off : stifle , smother

a very nearly extinguished voice — Elizabeth Bowen

extinguishing his opponents with a single word

: make powerless or inoperative : crush , check

a point at which the popular will is extinguished — T.E.Utley

(3) : to cause extinction of (a conditioned response)

the more specific a response the easier it is to extinguish it — Ralph Linton

c. : to cause the brightness of to appear relatively dim or to disappear altogether (as by setting next to a superior brilliancy) : cause to seem lackluster or tawdry : eclipse

a glittering costume that extinguished all the others

her face looked pale and extinguished, as if dimmed by the rich red of her dress — Edith Wharton


a. : to cause (as a claim or right) to be void : make legally nonexistent : nullify , abolish

titles to the land had not been extinguished — C.G.Bowers

b. : to get rid of (a debt or other liability) by payment or other compensatory adjustment — compare suspend , transfer

intransitive verb

archaic : to become extinguished : die out

Synonyms: see abolish , crush

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