Meaning of FLAT in English

I. ˈflat adjective

( flat·ter ; flat·test )

Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse flatr; akin to Old High German flaz flat, and probably to Greek platys broad — more at place

Date: 14th century


a. : lying at full length or spread out upon the ground : prostrate

b. : utterly ruined or destroyed

c. : resting with a surface against something


a. : having a continuous horizontal surface

b. : being or characterized by a horizontal line or tracing without peaks or depressions

a flat EEG

3. : having a relatively smooth or even surface

4. : arranged or laid out so as to be level or even


a. : having the major surfaces essentially parallel and distinctly greater than the minor surfaces

a flat piece of wood

b. of a shoe heel : very low and broad


a. : clearly unmistakable : downright

a flat denial


(1) : not varying : fixed

a flat rate

(2) : having no fraction either lacking or in excess : exact

in a flat 10 seconds

(3) of a frequency response : not varying significantly throughout its range


a. : lacking in animation, zest, or vigor : dull

life seemed flat without her

b. : lacking flavor : tasteless

c. : lacking effervescence or sparkle

flat ginger ale

d. : commercially inactive ; also : characterized by no significant rise or decline from one period to another

sales were flat

e. of a tire : lacking air : deflated

f. chiefly British , of a battery : dead 3c, discharged



(1) of a tone : lowered a half step in pitch

(2) : lower than the proper pitch

b. of the vowel a : pronounced as in bad or bat


a. : having a low trajectory

b. of a tennis stroke : made so as to give little or no spin to the ball

10. of a sail : taut


a. : uniform in hue or shade

b. : having little or no illusion of depth

c. of a photograph or negative : lacking contrast

d. of lighting conditions : lacking shadows or contours

e. : free from gloss

a flat paint

f. : two-dimensional 3

flat characters

12. : of, relating to, or used in competition on the flat

a flat horse

13. of a universe : having a mass such that expansion halts only after infinite time and collapse never occurs

Synonyms: see level , insipid

• flat·ly adverb

• flat·ness noun

• flat·tish ˈfla-tish adjective

II. noun

Date: 14th century


a. : a level surface of land — usually used in plural

sagebrush flat s

tidal flat s

b. : a stretch of land without obstacles ; especially : a track or course for a flat race — usually used with the

has won twice on the flat

2. : a flat part or surface

the flat of one's hand


a. : a musical note or tone one half step lower than a specified note or tone

b. : a character ♭ on a line or space of the musical staff indicating a half step drop in pitch

4. : something flat: as

a. : a shallow container for shipping produce

b. : a shallow box in which seedlings are started

c. : a flat piece of theatrical scenery

d. : a shoe or slipper having a flat heel or no heel

5. chiefly British : an apartment on one floor

6. : a deflated tire

7. : the area to either side of an offensive football formation

III. adverb

Date: 1531

1. : in a flat manner : directly , positively

2. : in a complete manner : absolutely

flat broke

3. : below the proper musical pitch

4. : without interest charge ; especially : without allowance or charge for accrued interest

bonds sold flat

IV. verb

( flat·ted ; flat·ting )

Date: circa 1604

transitive verb

1. : flatten

2. : to lower in pitch especially by a half step

intransitive verb

: to sing or play below the true pitch

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.