I. ˈfən noun
Etymology: English dialect fun to hoax, perhaps alteration of Middle English fonnen, from fonne dupe
Date: 1727
1. : what provides amusement or enjoyment ; specifically : playful often boisterous action or speech
full of fun
2. : a mood for finding or making amusement
all in fun
a. : amusement , enjoyment
sickness takes all the fun out of life
b. : derisive jest : sport , ridicule
a figure of fun
4. : violent or excited activity or argument
let a snake loose in the classroom; then the fun began
fun , jest , sport , game , play mean action or speech that provides amusement or arouses laughter. fun usually implies laughter or gaiety but may imply merely a lack of serious or ulterior purpose
played cards just for fun
jest implies lack of earnestness in what is said or done and may suggest a hoaxing or teasing
hurt by remarks said only in jest
sport applies especially to the arousing of laughter against someone
teasing begun in sport led to anger
game is close to sport , and often stresses mischievous or malicious fun
made game of their poor relations
play stresses the opposition to earnest without implying any malice or mischief
pretended to strangle his brother in play
II. intransitive verb
( funned ; fun·ning )
Date: 1833
: to indulge in banter or play : joke
III. adjective
( sometimes fun·ner sometimes fun·nest )
Date: circa 1846
1. : providing entertainment, amusement, or enjoyment
a fun party
a fun person to be with
2. : full of fun : pleasant
a fun night
have a fun time