I. ˈgȯ-dē, ˈgä- adjective
( gaud·i·er ; -est )
Date: 1582
1. : ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented
2. : marked by extravagance or sometimes tasteless showiness : outlandish
gaudy lies
gaudy claims
also : exceptional
a gaudy batting average
• gaud·i·ly ˈgȯ-də-lē, ˈgä- adverb
• gaud·i·ness ˈgȯ-dē-nəs, ˈgä- noun
gaudy , tawdry , garish , flashy , meretricious mean vulgarly or cheaply showy. gaudy implies a tasteless use of overly bright, often clashing colors or excessive ornamentation
circus performers in gaudy costumes
tawdry applies to what is at once gaudy and cheap and sleazy
tawdry saloons
garish describes what is distressingly or offensively bright
garish neon signs
flashy implies an effect of brilliance quickly and easily seen to be shallow or vulgar
a flashy nightclub act
meretricious stresses falsity and may describe a tawdry show that beckons with a false allure or promise
a meretricious wasteland of casinos and bars
II. noun
( plural gaudies )
Etymology: probably from Latin gaudium joy — more at joy
Date: 1651
: a feast or entertainment especially in the form of an annual college dinner at a British university