I. ˈglad adjective
( glad·der ; glad·dest )
Etymology: Middle English, shining, glad, from Old English glæd; akin to Old High German glat shining, smooth, Latin glaber smooth, bald
Date: before 12th century
1. archaic : having a cheerful or happy disposition by nature
a. : experiencing pleasure, joy, or delight : made happy
b. : made pleased, satisfied, or grateful — often used with of
was glad of their help
c. : very willing
glad to do it
a. : marked by, expressive of, or caused by happiness and joy
a glad shout
b. : causing happiness and joy : pleasant
glad tidings
4. : full of brightness and cheerfulness
a glad spring morning
• glad·ly adverb
• glad·ness noun
II. verb
( glad·ded ; glad·ding )
Date: before 12th century
archaic : gladden
III. noun
Date: 1923
: gladiolus 1