I. ˈgra-pəl noun
Etymology: Middle English grappel grappling hook, from Old French * grappelle, diminutive of grape hook — more at grape
Date: 1601
a. : the act or an instance of grappling
b. : a hand-to-hand struggle
c. : a contest for superiority or mastery
2. : a bucket similar to a clamshell but usually having more jaws
II. verb
( grap·pled ; grap·pling ˈgra-p(ə-)liŋ)
Date: 1530
transitive verb
1. : to seize with or as if with a grapple
2. : to come to grips with : wrestle
3. : to bind closely
intransitive verb
1. : to make a ship fast with a grappling hook
2. : to come to grips
3. : to use a grapple
• grap·pler -p(ə-)lər noun