I. ˈhə-d ə l verb
( hud·dled ; hud·dling ˈhəd-liŋ, ˈhə-d ə l-iŋ)
Etymology: probably from or akin to Middle English hoderen to huddle
Date: 1579
transitive verb
1. British : to arrange carelessly or hurriedly
a. : to crowd together
b. : to draw (oneself) together : crouch
3. : to wrap closely in (as clothes)
intransitive verb
a. : to gather in a close-packed group
b. : to curl up : crouch
a. : to hold a consultation
b. : to gather in a huddle in football
• hud·dler ˈhəd-lər, ˈhə-d ə l-ər noun
II. noun
Date: 1586
1. : a close-packed group : bunch
huddle s of children
a huddle of cottages
a. : meeting , conference
b. : a brief gathering of football players away from the line of scrimmage to receive instructions (as from the quarterback) for the next down