transcription, транскрипция: [ im-ˈpȯr-t ə n(t)s, especially Southern & NewEng ]
-tən(t)s, -dən(t)s noun
Date: 1508
a. : the quality or state of being important : consequence
b. : an important aspect or bearing : significance
2. obsolete : import , meaning
3. obsolete : importunity
4. obsolete : a weighty matter
importance , consequence , moment , weight , significance mean a quality or aspect having great worth or significance. importance implies a value judgment of the superior worth or influence of something or someone
a region with no cities of importance
consequence generally implies importance because of probable or possible effects
the style you choose is of little consequence
moment implies conspicuous or self-evident consequence
a decision of great moment
weight implies a judgment of the immediate relative importance of something
the argument carried no weight with the judge
significance implies a quality or character that should mark a thing as important but that is not self-evident and may or may not be recognized
the treaty's significance