I. ˈjaŋ-gəl verb
( jan·gled ; jan·gling -g(ə-)liŋ)
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French jangler, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Dutch jangelen to grumble
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
1. : to talk idly
2. : to quarrel verbally
3. : to make a harsh or discordant often ringing sound
keys jangling in my pocket
transitive verb
1. : to utter or sound in a discordant, babbling, or chattering way
a. : to cause to sound harshly or inharmoniously
b. : to excite to tense irritation
jangled nerves
• jan·gler -g(ə-)lər noun
II. noun
Date: 14th century
1. : idle talk
2. : noisy quarreling
3. : a discordant often ringing sound
the jangle of spurs