Meaning of LAUREATE in English

I. ˈlȯr-ē-ət, ˈlär- noun

Etymology: Middle English, crowned with laurel as a distinction, from Latin laureatus, from laurea laurel wreath, from feminine of laureus of laurel, from laurus

Date: circa 1529

: the recipient of honor or recognition for achievement in an art or science ; specifically : poet laureate

• laureate adjective

• lau·re·ate·ship -ˌship noun

II. ˈlȯr-ē-ˌāt, ˈlär- transitive verb

( -at·ed ; -at·ing )

Date: circa 1610

1. : to crown with or as if with a laurel wreath for excellence or achievement

2. : to appoint to the office of poet laureate

• lau·re·ation ˌlȯr-ē-ˈā-shən, ˌlär- noun

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.