— laureateship , n.
/lawr"ee it, lor"-/ , n.
1. a person who has been honored for achieving distinction in a particular field or with a particular award: a Nobel laureate.
2. See poet laureate .
3. deserving or having special recognition for achievement, as for poetry (often used immediately after the noun that is modified): poet laureate; conjurer laureate.
4. having special distinction or recognition in a field: the laureate men of science.
5. crowned or decked with laurel as a mark of honor.
6. consisting of or resembling laurel, as a wreath or crown.
[ 1350-1400; ME; laureatus crowned with laurel, equiv. to laure ( us ) of laurel ( laur ( us ) bay tree + -eus -EOUS) + -atus -ATE 1 ]