I. ˈli-s ə n verb
( lis·tened ; lis·ten·ing ˈlis-niŋ, ˈli-s ə n-iŋ)
Etymology: Middle English listnen, from Old English hlysnan; akin to Sanskrit śroṣati he hears, Old English hlūd loud
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
archaic : to give ear to : hear
intransitive verb
1. : to pay attention to sound
listen to music
2. : to hear something with thoughtful attention : give consideration
listen to a plea
3. : to be alert to catch an expected sound
listen for his step
• lis·ten·er ˈlis-nər, ˈli-s ə n-ər noun
II. noun
Date: 1788
: an act of listening