Meaning of MELLOW in English

I. ˈme-(ˌ)lō adjective

Etymology: Middle English melowe

Date: 15th century


a. of a fruit : tender and sweet because of ripeness

b. of a wine : well aged and pleasingly mild


a. : made gentle by age or experience

b. : rich and full but free from garishness or stridency

c. : warmed and relaxed by or as if by liquor

d. : pleasant , agreeable

e. : laid-back

3. of soil : having a soft and loamy consistency

• mel·low·ly adverb

• mel·low·ness noun

II. verb

Date: 1575

transitive verb

: to make mellow

intransitive verb

: to become mellow — often used with out

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.