Meaning of MENSHEVIK in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈmen(t)-shə-ˌvik, -ˌvēk ]


( plural Mensheviks or Men·she·vi·ki ˌmen(t)-shə-ˈvi-kē, -ˈvē-kē)

Etymology: Russian men'shevik, from men'she less; from their forming the minority group of the party

Date: 1907

: a member of a wing of the Russian Social Democratic party before and during the Russian Revolution believing in the gradual achievement of socialism by parliamentary methods in opposition to the Bolsheviks

• Men·she·vism ˈmen(t)-shə-ˌvi-zəm noun

• Men·she·vist -vist noun or adjective

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