Meaning of MENSHEVIK in English

— Menshevism /men"sheuh viz'euhm/ , n. — Menshevist , adj.

/men"sheuh vik/ ; Russ. /myin shi vyeek"/ , n. , pl. Mensheviks, Mensheviki /-vik'ee, -vee'kee/ ; Russ. /-vyi kyee"/ .

a member of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' party in opposition to the Bolsheviks: advocated gradual development of full socialism through parliamentary government and cooperation with bourgeois parties; absorbed into the Communist party formed in 1918.

Also, menshevik .

[ 1905-10; men'shevík, equiv. to mén'sh ( ii ) lesser (comp. of málen'kii small; cf. men'shinstvó minority) + -evik, var. of -ovik n. suffix ]

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