transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈfa-riŋ(k)s ]
( plural pha·ryn·ges fə-ˈrin-(ˌ)jēz ; also phar·ynx·es )
Etymology: New Latin pharyng-, pharynx, from Greek, throat, pharynx; akin to Old Norse barki throat and probably to Latin ferire to strike — more at bore
Date: 1677
1. : the muscular tubular passage of the vertebrate digestive and respiratory tracts extending from the back of the nasal cavity and mouth to the esophagus — compare nasopharynx , oropharynx
2. : a differentiated part of the alimentary canal in some invertebrates that may be thickened and muscular, eversible and toothed, or adapted as a suctorial organ