transcription, транскрипция: [ prə-ˈpōz ]
( pro·posed ; pro·pos·ing )
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French purposer, proposer, from Latin proponere (perfect indicative proposui ) — more at propound
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
1. : to form or put forward a plan or intention
man propose s, but God disposes
2. obsolete : to engage in talk or discussion
3. : to make an offer of marriage
transitive verb
a. : to set before the mind (as for discussion, imitation, or action)
propose a plan for settling the dispute
b. : to set before someone and especially oneself as an aim or intent
proposed to spend the summer in Italy
a. : to set forth for acceptance or rejection
propose terms for peace
propose a topic for debate
b. : to recommend to fill a place or vacancy : nominate
propose them for membership
c. : to offer as a toast
propose the happiness of the couple
• pro·pos·er noun