Meaning of REFLEXIVE in English

I. ri-ˈflek-siv adjective

Etymology: Medieval Latin reflexivus, from Latin reflexus

Date: 1640


a. : directed or turned back on itself ; also : overtly and usually ironically reflecting conventions of genre or form

a reflexive novel

b. : marked by or capable of reflection : reflective

2. : of, relating to, characterized by, or being a relation that exists between an entity and itself

the relation “is equal to” is reflexive but the relation “is the father of” is not

3. : of, relating to, or constituting an action (as in “he perjured himself”) directed back on the agent or the grammatical subject

4. : characterized by habitual and unthinking behavior

• re·flex·ive·ly adverb

• re·flex·ive·ness noun

• re·flex·iv·i·ty ˌrē-ˌflek-ˈsi-və-tē, ri- noun

II. noun

Date: 1866

: reflexive pronoun

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.