I. rə̇ˈfleksiv, rēˈf-, -sēv also -səv adjective
Etymology: Medieval Latin reflexivus reflected, turned back, from Latin reflexus (past participle of reflectere to reflect) + -ivus -ive
1. : capable of bending back
a. : directed or turned back upon itself : introspective — used of a mental act
b. : marked by or capable of reflection : reflective
3. : relating to, characterized by, or being a relation that exists between an entity and itself
the relation is equal to is reflexive but the relation is the father of is not
4. : of, relating to, or constituting an action (as in “the witness perjured himself” or “I bethought myself”) that is directed back upon the agent or the grammatical subject
5. : relating to or consisting of a reflex or reflexes
the nervous process which forms the basis of all reflexive actions — A.L.Schniermann
• re·flex·ive·ly -sə̇vlēˌ-li adverb
• re·flex·ive·ness -sivnə̇s, -sēv- also -səv- noun -es
II. noun
( -s )
: a reflexive pronoun or verb