Meaning of REPLY in English

I. ri-ˈplī verb

( re·plied ; re·ply·ing )

Etymology: Middle English replien to fold back, oppose, respond, from Anglo-French replier, from Latin replicare to fold back, make a legal replication, from re- + plicare to fold — more at ply

Date: 14th century

intransitive verb


a. : to respond in words or writing

b. : echo , resound

c. : to make a legal replication

2. : to do something in response ; specifically : to return gunfire or an attack

transitive verb

: to give as an answer

• re·pli·er -ˈplī(-ə)r noun

II. noun

( plural replies )

Date: 1560

1. : something said, written, or done in answer or response

2. : replication 1b(2)

Synonyms: see answer

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.