— replier , n.
/ri pluy"/ , v. , replied, replying , n. , pl. replies .
1. to make answer in words or writing; answer; respond: to reply to a question.
2. to respond by some action, performance, etc.: to reply to the enemy's fire.
3. to return a sound; echo; resound.
4. Law. to answer a defendant's plea.
5. to return as an answer (usually used in a negative combination or fol. by a clause with that ): Not a syllable did he reply. He replied that no one would go.
6. an answer or response in words or writing.
7. a response made by some action, performance, etc.
[ 1350-1400; ME replien (v.) replier to fold back, reply replicare to unroll, fold back; see REPLICATE ]
Syn. 1. rejoin. 6. rejoinder, riposte. See answer .