transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈsi-lē ]
( sil·li·er ; -est )
Etymology: Middle English sely, silly happy, innocent, pitiable, feeble, from Old English sǣlig, from sǣl happiness; akin to Old High German sālig happy
Date: 14th century
1. archaic : helpless , weak
a. : rustic , plain
b. obsolete : lowly in station : humble
a. : weak in intellect : foolish
b. : exhibiting or indicative of a lack of common sense or sound judgment
a very silly mistake
c. : trifling , frivolous
4. : being stunned or dazed
scared silly
knocked me silly
Synonyms: see simple
• sil·li·ly ˈsi-lə-lē adverb
• sil·li·ness ˈsi-lē-nəs noun
• silly noun or adverb