I. ˈswel-tər verb
( swel·tered ; swel·ter·ing -t(ə-)riŋ)
Etymology: Middle English sweltren, frequentative of swelten to die, be overcome by heat, from Old English sweltan to die; akin to Gothic swiltan to die
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
1. : to suffer, sweat, or be faint from heat
2. : to become exceedingly hot
in summer, the place swelter s
transitive verb
1. : to oppress with heat
2. archaic : exude
swelter ed venom — Shakespeare
II. noun
Date: 1851
1. : a state of oppressive heat
2. : welter
3. : an excited or overwrought state of mind : sweat
in a swelter