Meaning of THEM in English

I. (th)əm, ˈthem, after p, b, v, f, also ə m pronoun

Date: bef 12th century

objective case of they

1. : they 1 — used as object of a verb or preposition

took them back

gave it to them

2. : those — used especially as antecedent to a relative pronoun

the best of them that speak this speech — Shakespeare

— used as the subject of a verb chiefly in nonstandard speech and for humorous effect

them is fighting words

II. ˈthem adjective

Date: 1594

nonstandard : those — used chiefly in nonstandard speech and for humorous effect

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.