I. ˈyet adverb
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gīet; akin to Old Frisian ieta yet
Date: before 12th century
a. : in addition : besides
gives yet another reason
b. : even 2c
a yet higher speed
c. : on top of everything else : no less
had wells going dry. Between two large lakes, yet — J. H. Buzard
(1) : up to now : so far
hasn't done much yet
— often used to imply the negative of a following infinitive
have yet to win a game
(2) : at this or that time : so soon as now
not time to go yet
b. : continuously up to the present or a specified time : still
is yet a new country
c. : at a future time : eventually
may yet see the light
3. : nevertheless , however
- as yet
- yet again
II. conjunction
Date: 13th century
: but nevertheless : but