Synonyms and related words :
aberrant, abnormal, adrift, afloat, aimless, aleatoric, aleatory, alternating, amorphic, anarchic, anomalistic, anomalous, baggy, blind, blobby, blurred, blurry, broad, capricious, casual, chance, chancy, changeable, changeful, chaotic, characterless, clear as mud, cloudy, confused, dark, desultory, deviable, deviative, different, dim, disarticulated, discontinuous, disjunct, disordered, disorderly, dispersed, disproportionate, divergent, dizzy, eccentric, erratic, fast and loose, featureless, fickle, fitful, flickering, flighty, flitting, fluctuating, foggy, formless, freakish, frivolous, fuzzy, general, giddy, gratuitous, haphazard, hazy, heteroclite, heteromorphic, hit-or-miss, ill-defined, immethodical, impetuous, imprecise, impulsive, inaccurate, inchoate, incoherent, inconsistent, inconstant, indecisive, indefinable, indefinite, indeterminable, indeterminate, indiscriminate, indistinct, inexact, infirm, inform, irregular, irresolute, irresponsible, kaleidoscopic, lax, loose, lumpen, mazy, meaningless, mercurial, misshapen, misty, moody, muddy, murky, nebulous, nondescript, nonspecific, nonsymmetrical, nonsystematic, nonuniform, obscure, opaque, orderless, planless, promiscuous, rambling, random, restless, roving, scatterbrained, senseless, shadowed forth, shadowy, shapeless, shifting, shifty, shuffling, spasmodic, spineless, sporadic, stochastic, straggling, straggly, stray, straying, subnormal, sweeping, systemless, transcendent, unaccountable, unarranged, uncertain, unclassified, unclear, uncontrolled, undefined, undependable, undestined, undetermined, undirected, undisciplined, unfixed, unformed, ungraded, unjoined, unmethodical, unnatural, unordered, unorganized, unplain, unpredictable, unreliable, unrestrained, unsettled, unshaped, unsorted, unspecified, unstable, unstable as water, unstaid, unsteadfast, unsteady, unsymmetrical, unsystematic, ununiform, vacillating, vagrant, vague, variable, veiled, vicissitudinary, vicissitudinous, volatile, wandering, wanton, wavering, wavery, wavy, wayward, whimsical, wishy-washy