əˈmȯrfəs, -ȯ(ə)f- adjective
also amor·phose -ˌfōs
Etymology: Greek amorphos, from a- a- (II) + morphē form — more at form
a. : without definite form or shape : formless
an amorphous cloud of dust
an amorphous mass
b. : without clearly drawn limits : not precisely indicated or established
an amorphous boundary
c. : without definite nature or character : not allowing clear classification or analysis : unclassifiable
cities having swollen into amorphous agglomerations — Siegfried Giedion
that indefinite amorphous thing called the consuming public — John Dewey
d. : without organization : without cohesion : lacking unity
an amorphous mass of frightened fugitives — J.W.Aldridge
an amorphous style of writing
e. : without a clearly defined direction, purpose, or controlling influence
lifeless and amorphous routine — Phyllis Ackerman
growth is not amorphous , but restricted by a limited number of physical laws — Herbert Read
(1) : without real or apparent crystalline form : uncrystallized — used especially of supercooled liquids (as glasses) and colloidal substances
amorphous sulfur
(2) : without crystal structure
an amorphous mineral
b. : without division in parts such as that effected by stratification or cleavage
c. : without developed organization — used chiefly of the lower forms of life
• amor·phous·ly adverb
• amor·phous·ness noun -es