Synonyms and related words :
affection, affective, appropriate, aroma, attribute, automatism, bad habit, badge, banner, birthmark, body-build, brand, cachet, cast, categorical, character, characteristics, characterizing, classificational, classificatory, compare, complexion, composition, configuration, constituents, constitution, constitutional, contrastive, crasis, creature of habit, custom, cut, defining, denominative, device, dharma, diacritical, diagnostic, diathesis, differencing, differentia, differential, differentiative, discriminating, discriminative, disposition, dispositional, distinctive, distinctive feature, distinguished, distinguishing, divisional, divisionary, earmark, emblematic, emotional, especial, ethos, exemplary, feature, fiber, figure, flavor, force of habit, frame, genius, grain, gust, habit, habit pattern, habitude, hallmark, hue, humor, humors, idiocrasy, idiocratic, idiosyncrasy, idiosyncratic, ilk, image, impress, impression, in character, index, indicant, indicator, individual, individualism, individualizing, individuating, innate, insignia, intellectual, intrinsic, keynote, kind, lineaments, makeup, mannerism, mark, marked, marking, measure, mental, mold, natural, naturalistic, nature, normal, note, odor, ordinal, particular, particularity, pattern, peculiar, peculiarity, personalizing, physique, picture, point, practice, praxis, proper, property, quality, quintessential, quirk, realistic, regular, representation, representative, sample, savor, seal, second nature, separative, shape, sigil, sign, signal, signature, single, singular, singularity, smack, somatotype, sort, special, specialty, specific, spirit, spiritual, stamp, stereotype, stereotyped behavior, streak, stripe, subdivisional, suchness, sure sign, symbolic, symptom, symptomatic, system, taint, tang, taste, taxonomic, telltale sign, temper, temperament, temperamental, tendency, tenor, token, tone, trait, trick, true to form, true to type, typal, type, typic, typical, unique, usage, use, usual, vein, virtue, way, wont,