Synonyms and related words :
accommodate, accommodate with, accord, adapt, adapt to, adjust, adjust to, affect, agree, agree with, align, amount to, answer, answer to, ape, appear like, appertain to, apply to, approach, approximate, assent, assimilate to, associate, assort with, balance, be consistent, be guided by, be in cahoots, be in contact, be like, be of one, be redolent of, be uniform with, bear on, bear resemblance, bear upon, belong to, bend, break even, bring to mind, call to mind, call up, check, chime, chime in with, coact, coadunate, coequal, cohere, coincide, collaborate, collimate, collineate, collude, combine, come close, come near, come to, come up to, communicate, communicate with, compare with, complement, comply, comply with, compose, concern, concur, conform, conform with, conjoin, connect, connive, consist with, consort, conspire, contact, cooperate, copy, correct, correspond to, correspond with, counterfeit, deal with, discipline, ditto, dovetail, draw, drop a line, equal, equate, equidistance, establish connection, even, even off, evoke, exchange letters, fall in together, fall in with, favor, fit, fit together, follow, gear to, gee, get to, go, go by, go together, go with, hang together, happen together, harmonize, have connection with, hit, hold together, imitate, interest, interlock, interrogate, intersect, involve, jibe, join, keep pace with, knot, liaise with, line up, link with, lock, look like, maintain connection, make advances, make conform, make contact with, make overtures, make up to, match, match up with, measure up to, meet, mimic, mirror, mold, near, nearly reproduce, not tell apart, observe, overlap, parallel, parallelize, partake of, pertain to, place parallel to, question, raise, reach, realign, reciprocate, reconcile, rectify, refer to, regard, register, register with, relate to, remind one of, reply to, resemble, respect, respond to, rival, rub off corners, run abreast, run to, savor of, seem like, send a note, settle, shape, simulate, sing in chorus, smack of, sort with, sound like, square, square with, stack up with, stand together, straighten, suggest, suit, synchronize, synergize, take after, tally, tally with, tie, tie in with, touch, touch upon, treat of, unite, use the mails, write, write to, yield