Synonyms and related words :
abbreviate, abdomen, abomasum, abridge, abscind, abstract, aftermath, amputate, annihilate, bag, ban, bar, batch, batten upon, bay window, bearing, beerbelly, belly, belt, blacksnake, bob, boil down, boobs, bosom, breadbasket, breast, breasts, bring in, brisket, browse, bullwhack, bullwhip, bumper crop, bunch, bust, capsulize, cat, chest, chop, clip, clump, cluster, compress, condense, contract, copse, cowhide, craw, crop herbs, cull, curtail, cut, cut away, cut back, cut down, cut off, cut off short, cut out, cut short, cutting, detach, diaphragm, dig, disengage, dock, dryfarm, dug, elide, eliminate, embonpoint, enucleate, epitomize, eradicate, except, excise, exclude, extinguish, extirpate, farm, fatten on, fatten upon, feast on, feast upon, feed on, first stomach, flagellum, fleece, foreshorten, fruit, garden, gather, gather in, gathering, gizzard, glean, gleaning, grabble, graze, group, grouping, groupment, grove, grow, growth, gullet, gut, harvest, harvesting, hassock, hay, head, head of hair, hew, honeycomb stomach, horsewhip, isolate, kishkes, knock off, knockers, knot, knout, kurbash, lash, live on, locks, lop, lot, make, mama, mamelon, mamelonation, mammary gland, mammilla, mammillation, mane, manyplies, mat, maw, mess, midriff, mop, mow, mutilate, nenes, net, nip, nipple, nut, nutting, omasum, output, pap, papilla, pare, pasture on, paunch, peel, pick, pick out, pigeon breast, plantation, planting, pluck, poll, pollard, pot, potbelly, potgut, prey on, proceeds, produce, product, production, prune, psalterium, pusgut, quirt, raise, ranch, rawhide, razor strap, reap, reap and carry, reaping, rear, recap, recapitulate, reduce, rennet bag, reticulum, retrench, root out, rule out, rumen, scourge, second crop, second stomach, set apart, set aside, shag, sharecrop, shave, shear, shock, shorten, sjambok, skive, slash, slew, snip, snub, spare tire, stamp out, stand, stomach, stook, strap, strike off, strip, strip off, stunt, sum up, summarize, swagbelly, synopsize, take in, take off, take out, teat, telescope, thatch, thicket, third stomach, thong, thorax, throughput, tit, tits, titties, titty, top, tresses, trim, truncate, tuft, tum-tum, tummy, tussock, udder, underbelly, ventripotence, vintage, whip, whiplash, wipe out, wisp, yield