Meaning of CROP in English

vi to yield harvest.

2. crop ·noun anything cut off or gathered.

3. crop ·noun tin ore prepared for smelting.

4. crop ·vt fig.: to cut off, as if in harvest.

5. crop ·noun outcrop of a vein or seam at the surface.

6. crop ·noun a riding whip with a loop instead of a lash.

7. crop ·vt to cause to bear a crop; as, to crop a field.

8. crop ·noun grain or other product of the field while standing.

9. crop ·noun a projecting ornament in carved stone. specifically, a finial.

10. crop ·noun the top, end, or highest part of anything, especially of a plant or tree.

11. crop ·noun hair cut close or short, or the act or style of so cutting; as, a convict's crop.

12. crop ·noun the pouchlike enlargement of the gullet of birds, serving as a receptacle for food; the craw.

13. crop ·vt to cut off the tops or tips of; to bite or pull off; to browse; to pluck; to mow; to reap.

14. crop ·noun that which is cropped, cut, or gathered from a single felld, or of a single kind of grain or fruit, or in a single season; especially, the product of what is planted in the earth; fruit; harvest.

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