Synonyms and related words :
appulse, atomize, bang, bang into, belch, bind, bite, blare, blat, bray, break into pieces, break to pieces, break up, brunt, bulldozing, bulling, bump, bump into, burr, buzz, cackle, cannon, carambole, carom, carom into, caw, champ, chaw, chew, chirr, chomp, chump, clang, clangor, clank, clash, climacteric, clutch, collide, collision, come into collision, complication, concuss, concussion, confront each other, convergence of events, crack up, crack-up, crash, crash into, craunch, crisis, critical juncture, critical moment, critical point, croak, crossroads, crucial period, crump, crush, crux, cut to pieces, dash into, demolish, diffuse, disperse, disrupt, embarrassing position, embarrassment, emergency, encounter, exigency, extremity, fall foul of, fine how-do-you-do, fission, foul, fragment, grate, grind, groan, growl, grumble, hammering, hell to pay, high pressure, hinge, hit, hit against, hobble, hot water, how-do-you-do, hurt, hurtle, imbroglio, impact, imperativeness, impinge, impingement, jam, jangle, jar, juncture, knock, knock against, make mincemeat of, masticate, mauling, meet, meeting, mess, mince, mix, moment of truth, morass, munch, onslaught, parlous straits, pass, percuss, percussion, pickle, pinch, plight, predicament, press, pressure, pretty pass, pretty pickle, pretty predicament, pulverize, push, quagmire, quicksand, ramming, rasp, repercussion, rub, ruminate, run into, scatter, scranch, scrape, scratch, scrunch, shatter, shiver, shock, showdown, sideswipe, slam into, sledgehammering, slough, smack into, smash, smash into, smash up, smash-up, smashing, snarl, snore, splinter, spot, squash, squeeze, squish, stew, sticky wicket, strait, straits, stress, strike, strike against, swamp, tension, thrusting, tight spot, tight squeeze, tightrope, tricky spot, turn, turning point, twang, unholy mess, urgency, whomp,