Synonyms and related words :
Schmerz, Slough of Despond, abatement, abridgment, abstraction, abulia, aching heart, agony, agony of mind, alienation, alleviation, alveolation, alveolus, anguish, antrum, anxiety, anxiety equivalent, anxiety state, apathy, armpit, attenuation, bad times, bale, basin, bitterness, blank despondency, blaze, bleakness, bleeding heart, blues, boom, bottoming out, bowl, broken heart, business cycle, business fluctuations, bust, catatonic stupor, cavity, cheerlessness, cleft, comfortlessness, compulsion, concave, concavity, contraction, cooling off, couchancy, crater, crena, crisis, crushing, crypt, cup, cut, dampening, damping, death wish, debasement, decrease, decrement, decrescence, deduction, deepening, deflation, dejectedness, dejection, dent, depreciation, depth of misery, desolation, despair, despondency, despondentness, detachment, digging, diminishment, diminution, dimple, dip, discomfort, discouragement, disheartenment, dismalness, dispiritedness, distress, distressfulness, down trip, downcastness, downer, downheartedness, downturn, dreariness, drilling, drooping spirits, dying, dying off, economic cycle, economic expansion, economic growth, economic stagnation, elation, emotionalism, euphoria, evil day, excavation, expanding economy, expansion, extenuation, extremity, fade-out, fold, folie du doute, follicle, funnel chest, gash, gloom, gloominess, glumness, grief, grievousness, growth, hack, hard times, heartache, heartlessness, heavy heart, heavy weather, high growth rate, hole, hollow, hollow shell, hollowness, hopelessness, hypochondria, hysteria, hysterics, impression, incision, incurvation, incurvature, incurvity, indentation, indifference, infelicity, insensibility, jag, jog, joggle, joylessness, kerf, lacuna, lamentability, lamentation, languishment, lessening, lethargy, letup, low, low spirits, lowering, lowness, lowness of spirit, lying, lying down, malaise, mania, market expansion, melancholia, melancholy, mental distress, miniaturization, mining, misery, mitigation, mournfulness, nick, nock, notch, obsession, oppression, pain, painfulness, pathological indecisiveness, pathos, peak, peaking, pessimism, pit, pitiability, pitiableness, pitifulness, pocket, poignancy, preoccupation, probing, proneness, prosperity, prostration, psychalgia, psychomotor disturbance, punch bowl, rainy day, recess, recession, reclining, recovery, recumbency, reduction, regrettableness, relaxation, sad times, sadness, sagging, scaling down, scoop, score, scotch, self-destructive urge, sharpness, shell, shortness, simplicity, sink, sinkage, sinking, sinking heart, sinus, slowdown, slump, socket, sorrowfulness, spiritlessness, squatness, squattiness, stormy weather, stumpiness, stupor, subjacency, subtraction, suicidal despair, supineness, taedium vitae, the blues, tic, trough, tunneling, twitching, unhappiness, unresponsiveness, upturn, vug, weakening, weariness of life, withdrawal, woe, woebegoneness, woefulness, wretchedness