Synonyms and related words :
Schmerz, Slough of Despond, abandon, abandon hope, acedia, aching heart, agony, agony of mind, anguish, apathy, bale, become suicidal, bitterness, blank despondency, bleeding heart, broken heart, cave of Trophonius, cave of despair, crushing, death wish, dejectedness, dejection, depression, depth of misery, desolation, despair of, desperateness, desperation, despond, despondency, despondentness, disconsolateness, discouragement, disheartenment, dispiritedness, distress, down trip, downcastness, downer, downheartedness, droop, drooping spirits, drop, extremity, falter, forlornness, give up, give up hope, give way, gloom, gloominess, grief, heartache, heartlessness, heavy heart, hit rock bottom, hopelessness, infelicity, languish, lose heart, lose hope, low spirits, lowness, lowness of spirit, malaise, melancholia, melancholy, miserableness, misery, no exit, no way, no way out, oppression, pessimism, plumb the depths, prostration, quit, reach the depths, relinquish, renounce, resign, resignation, sadness, self-destructive urge, sink, sink into despair, sinking heart, sloth, spiritlessness, suicidal despair, surrender, taedium vitae, touch bottom, weariness of life, woe, wretchedness, yield, yield to despair