Synonyms and related words :
Day of Judgment, Friday, Friday the thirteenth, Judgment Day, Z, abuse, act on, action, afflict, aggrieve, anathematize, anathematizing, annihilation, apodosis, appoint, appointed lot, astral influences, astrology, attaint, award, bane, befoul, bewitch, biological death, blacklist, blight, book of fate, bring home to, calamity, cast into hell, cataclysm, catastrophe, ceasing, censure, cessation, cessation of life, circumstance, clinical death, coda, conclusion, condemn, condemn to hell, condemnation, consideration, consign to hell, constellation, consummation, convict, conviction, corrupt, crack of doom, crossing the bar, crucify, culmination, cup, curse, curtain, curtains, damage, damn, damnation, day of doom, death, death knell, death sentence, death warrant, deathblow, debt of nature, decease, decision, decree, defile, deliverance, demise, denouement, denounce, denouncement, denunciate, denunciation, departure, deprave, despoil, destinate, destination, destine, destiny, destroy, destruction, determination, devote, diagnosis, dictum, dies funestis, disadvantage, disaster, disserve, dissolution, distress, do a mischief, do evil, do ill, do wrong, do wrong by, doom to perdition, doomsday, downfall, dying, ebb of life, effect, end, end of life, end point, ending, envenom, envoi, epilogue, eschatology, eternal rest, excommunicate, excommunication, exit, expiration, extinction, extinguishment, fatality, fate, final solution, final summons, final twitch, final words, finale, finality, find, find against, find for, find guilty, finding, finger of death, finis, finish, foredoom, fortune, future, get into trouble, goal, going, going off, grave, guilty verdict, hand of death, harass, harm, hex, hurt, ides of March, impair, inevitability, infect, injure, izzard, jaws of death, jinx, judgment, karma, kismet, knell, last, last breath, last days, last debt, last gasp, last muster, last rest, last roundup, last sleep, last things, last trumpet, last words, latter end, leaving life, loss of life, lot, making an end, maltreat, mark, menace, mistreat, moira, molest, omega, ordain, order, outrage, parting, pass judgment, pass sentence, pass sentence on, passing, passing away, passing over, payoff, penalize, period, perishing, peroration, persecute, planets, play havoc with, play hob with, poison, pollute, portion, precedent, prejudice, prognosis, pronounce, pronounce judgment, pronounce on, pronounce sentence, pronouncement, proscribe, proscription, quietus, rap, release, report, resolution, rest, resting place, return a verdict, reward, ruin, rule, ruling, savage, scathe, sentence, sentence of death, shades of death, shadow of death, sleep, somatic death, stars, stoppage, stopping place, summons of death, swan song, taint, term, terminal, termination, terminus, the Judgment, threaten, torment, torture, tragedy, trump of doom, unlucky day, utter a judgment, verdict, verdict of guilty, violate, weird, wheel of fortune, will of Heaven, windup, wound, wreak havoc on, wrong,