Synonyms and related words :
acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, accustom, adapt, adjust, advertise, affirm, afford proof of, ascertain, assure, authenticate, author, authorize, back up, ballyhoo, bark, base, bear, bed, beget, begin, bill, boost, break, break in, breed, bring about, bring forth, bring home to, bring to effect, bring to pass, bring up, broach, build, build in, build up, bulletin, case harden, cause, certify, christen, cinch, circularize, clear up, clinch, conceive, condition, confirm, constitute, corroborate, create, cry up, decide, declare lawful, decree, deep-dye, define, demonstrate, determine, dismiss all doubt, do, domesticate, domesticize, effect, effectuate, embed, enact, engender, engraft, engrave, ensconce, ensure, entrench, etch, familiarize, father, find out, fix, float, follow, follow from, form, formulate, found, generate, gentle, gestate, get at, give a write-up, give birth to, give occasion to, give origin to, give publicity, give rise to, ground, habituate, harden, have a case, hold good, hold water, housebreak, impact, implant, impress, imprint, inaugurate, incept, inculcate, induct, infix, ingrain, initiate, inscribe, install, instill, institute, insure, introduce, inure, invest, jam, launch, lay, lay the foundation, legalize, legislate, legitimate, legitimatize, legitimize, lift up, locate, lodge, make, make a regulation, make certain, make good, make legal, make no doubt, make no mistake, make out, make sure, make sure of, materialize, moor, nail down, naturalize, occasion, ordain, organize, orient, orientate, originate, pack, pitch, placard, place, plant, plug, post, post bills, post up, prescribe, press-agent, print, produce, promote, prove, prove to be, prove true, publicize, puff, put, put in, put in force, put up, raise, realize, reassure, regulate, remove all doubt, ring in, rivet, root, sanction, season, seat, secure, see that, see to it, sell, set, set afloat, set agoing, set at rest, set down, set in, set on foot, set up, settle, settle the matter, show, sire, sort out, spiel, stamp, start, start going, start up, station, stereotype, stick, substantiate, support, tame, train, turn on, usher in, validate, verify, vest, wedge, wont, work, write up