Synonyms and related words :
Caelus, Dry Ice, Freon, Olympian heights, Pentothal, acme, aerial heights, air, airy nothing, ammonia, apex, azure, blue sky, bubble, caelum, canopy, canopy of heaven, carbon dioxide, cerulean, chaff, chip, chloroform, cobweb, cocaine, coolant, cope, cork, dizzy heights, down, dust, elevation, eminence, empyrean, ethyl chloride, ethylene, fairy, feather, firmament, flue, fluff, foam, freezing mixture, froth, fuzz, gas, gossamer, heaven, heavens, height, heights, hyaline, ice, ice cubes, illusion, lift, lifts, liquid air, liquid helium, liquid oxygen, menthol, mist, mote, nitrous oxide, ozone, phantom, raise, refrigerant, rise, rising ground, shadow, sky, smoke, spirit, sponge, spume, starry heaven, steep, stratosphere, straw, the blue, the blue serene, thin air, thistledown, uprise, vantage ground, vantage point, vapor, vault, vault of heaven, welkin, zenith