Meaning of FEASIBLE in English

Synonyms and related words :

achievable, actable, adaptable, advantageous, advisable, applicable, appropriate, attainable, banausic, becoming, befitting, beneficial, compassable, congruous, convenient, decent, desirable, doable, ductile, effective, effectual, efficient, expedient, favorable, felicitous, fit, fitten, fitting, flexible, foolproof, fructuous, good, handy, happy, likely, malleable, manageable, maneuverable, meet, negotiable, operable, opportune, overcomable, performable, pliable, pliant, politic, possible, practicable, practical, pragmatic, profitable, proper, realistic, realizable, recommendable, right, seasonable, seemly, sensible, sortable, suitable, superable, surmountable, timely, to be desired, tractable, untroublesome, usable, useful, viable, well-timed, wieldable, wieldy, wise, workable, worthwhile, yielding

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