Synonyms and related words :
High Holiday, High Holy Day, Lucullan feast, Mardi Gras, Sabbath, Saturnalia, Sunday, allay, anniversary, appease, assuage, bank holiday, banquet, bean-feast, beano, birthday, blow, blowout, board, bread, bread and butter, carnival, celebration, cheer, church calendar, church feast, comestibles, commemoration, creature comfort, cuisine, daily bread, day of festivities, day off, delight, dine, do, do justice to, eat heartily, eat up, eatables, ecclesiastical calendar, edibles, entertain, entertainment, event, fair, fare, fare well, fast, fast food, feast day, feed, festal board, festival, festival day, festive occasion, festivity, fete, fete day, field day, fiesta, fixed feast, food, food and drink, foodstuff, gala, gala affair, gala day, gladden, gormandize, gratification, gratify, great doings, groaning board, health food, high day, high jinks, holiday, holy day, holytide, ingesta, jamboree, joyance, jubilation, jubilee, junk food, kermis, kitchen stuff, legal holiday, mad round, meal, meat, memorialization, merrymaking, observance, occasion, overindulge, party, picnic, please, pleasure, polish the platter, provender, provision, put it away, quench, red-letter day, refreshment, regale, regalement, repast, revel, revelment, revelry, rite, ritual, round of pleasures, sate, satiate, satisfy, slake, solemnization, spread, sustenance, table, treat, tucker, viands, victuals, vittles, waygoose, wayzgoose, wine and dine