Synonyms and related words :
address, after-dinner speech, allocution, be dilatory, chalk talk, cloture, committee consideration, constitute, debate, declamation, decree, deliberation, diatribe, division, enact, enact laws, eulogy, exhortation, filibusterer, filibustering, filing, first reading, forensic, forensic address, formal speech, frustrater, funeral oration, gain time, get the floor, hang, hang back, hang fire, harangue, have the floor, hesitate, hinderer, hold off, hortatory address, impeder, inaugural, inaugural address, introduction, invective, jeremiad, kill, legislate, lobby through, logroll, logrolling, make time, marplot, negativist, obstructer, obstructionist, oration, ordain, outlast, outspeak, outtalk, pass, pep talk, peroration, philippic, pigeonhole, pitch, play for time, pocket, prepared speech, prepared text, procrastinate, public speech, put in force, put through, railroad through, reading, recital, recitation, roll call, roll logs, sales talk, salutatory, salutatory address, say, screed, second reading, set speech, speech, speechification, speeching, stall, stall for time, stall off, steamroller methods, stooge around, table, tabling, take the floor, talk, talk against time, talk down, talkathon, temporize, third reading, thwarter, tirade, valediction, valedictory, valedictory address, veto, vote, yield the floor