Synonyms and related words :
Life Saver, Scotch kisses, absurdity, amphigory, applesauce, babble, babblement, balderdash, baloney, beat, beguile of, belie, bibble-babble, bilge, bilk, blabber, blather, blink, bombast, bonbon, bosh, brittle, bubble gum, bull, bunco, bunkum, burn, butterscotch, camouflage, candied apple, candy corn, caramel, carefully ignore, cheat, chewing gum, chisel, chocolate, chocolate bar, chocolate drop, chouse, chouse out of, claptrap, cog, cog the dice, cold-shoulder, color, con, concoct, cook up, cotton candy, cough drop, counterfeit, cozen, cream, crib, cut a corner, cut corners, defraud, diddle, disguise, distort, divinity, do in, do out of, dodge, double-talk, drag in, dress up, drivel, drool, edge in, embellish, embroider, euchre, exaggerate, fabricate, fake, falsify, fantasize, fiddle-faddle, fiddledeedee, finagle, flam, fleece, flimflam, flummery, fob, foist in, folderol, fondant, forge, fudge in, fustian, gabble, galimatias, gammon, garble, gibber, gibberish, gibble-gabble, gild, glace, gloss, gloss over, gobbledygook, gouge, gull, gum, gumdrop, gyp, hard candy, hatch, have, hocus, hocus-pocus, hogwash, hoke up, honey crisp, hooey, horehound, humbug, implant in, inject in, insert in, insinuate in, intercalate, interjaculate, interject, interpolate, interpose, intervene, introduce in, intrude, invent, jabber, jargon, jelly bean, jelly egg, jujube, kiss, lollipop, lozenge, lug in, magnify, make up, manufacture, marchpane, marshmallow, marzipan, mask, mint, miscite, miscolor, misquote, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, mulct, mumbo jumbo, narrishkeit, niaiserie, nonsense, nougat, overcharge, overdraw, overpaint, overstate, pack of nonsense, pack the deal, pad, palaver, pass over, pass over lightly, peanut bar, peanut brittle, peppermint, pervert, pigeon, popcorn balls, poppycock, practice fraud upon, praline, prate, prattle, put between, rant, rigamarole, rigmarole, rock candy, rodomontade, rook, rubbish, run in, saltwater taffy, sandwich, scam, scamp, screw, sell gold bricks, shave, shortchange, skim, skim over, skim the surface, skimble-skamble, skimp, skip over, slant, slight, slubber over, slur, slur over, smuggle in, squeeze in, stack the cards, stick, sting, strain, stuff and nonsense, stultiloquence, sugar candy, sugarplum, swindle, taffy, take a dive, thimblerig, throw a fight, throw in, thrust in, titivate, toffee, torrone, touch upon, touch upon lightly, trash, trick out, trump up, trumpery, tutti-frutti, twaddle, twattle, twiddle-twaddle, twist, understate, vaporing, varnish, victimize, waffling, warp, wedge in, whitewash, work in, worm in