Synonyms and related words :
Attic, Festschrift, Japanese garden, album, alpine garden, ana, analects, anthology, arboretum, average, beauties, bed, blooming, bloomy, blossoming, bog garden, border, botanical garden, bourgeois, canon, chaste, chrestomathy, classic, classical, collectanea, collected works, collection, common, commonplace, compilation, complete works, conventional, crop, delectus, dry garden, dryfarm, efflorescent, everyday, farm, floral, floreate, florescent, floriate, floriated, floricultural, florid, florilegium, flower bed, flower garden, flowered, flowering, flowers, flowery, garden spot, garden-variety, garland, grape ranch, grapery, grow, herbarium, homely, homespun, horticultural, hortulan, hortus siccus, household, in bloom, in blossom, in flower, inflorescent, jardin, kitchen garden, market garden, matter-of-fact, middle-class, miscellanea, miscellany, multiflorous, no great shakes, nondescript, normal, omnibus, ordinary, ornamental garden, paradise, photograph album, pinetum, plain, plastic, prosaic, prosy, pure, pure and simple, quotation book, radiciflorous, raise, ranch, rear, regular, rhizanthous, rock garden, roof garden, run-of-mine, run-of-the-mill, scrapbook, sharecrop, shrubbery, simple, suburban, sunken garden, symposium, tea garden, truck garden, unexceptional, uniflorous, unnoteworthy, unremarkable, unspectacular, usual, vegetable garden, victory garden, vinery, vineyard, workaday, workday