Synonyms and related words :
ambit, amplitude, anchor, anklet, area, armlet, back band, backstrap, band, bandage, bar, barrette, bearing rein, bellyband, belt, bend, bigness, bind, bind up, binding, binding stone, binding twine, bit, blinders, blinds, bobby pin, body, bollard, bolt, bonder, bondstone, border, box hook, brace, bracelet, braces, brad, braid, breadth, breeching, bridle, buckle, bulk, bundle, button, cable, caliber, caparison, carpet tack, catch, cavesson, cestus, chain, checkrein, cheekpiece, chinband, cinch, cincture, cingulum, circuit, circumference, clamp, clasp, cleat, click, clinch, clip, clothespin, collar, collarband, corking pin, cotter, coverage, crownband, crupper, cummerbund, curb, depth, diameter, dimension, dimensions, do up, dowel, earring, ecliptic, equator, expanse, expansion, extension, extent, fascia, fibula, fillet, finger ring, fishhook, funiculus, gag swivel, garter, gauge, gird, girdle, girt, grab, grapnel, grappler, grappling iron, great circle, greatness, guy, hackamore, hairpin, halter, hames, hametugs, hank, harness, hasp, hawser, haywire, headgear, headstall, height, hip straps, hitch, hitching post, holdfast, hook, hook and eye, hoop, horn, inkle, interlocker, jaquima, jerk line, jockey, kevel, kingpin, lace, lacing, largeness, lariat, lash, latch, latchet, leader, leash, length, ligament, line, lines, lock, loop, magnitude, martingale, mass, measure, measurement, moorings, nail, neckband, necklace, noose, nose ring, noseband, nut, padlock, paper clip, pawl, peg, perimeter, periphery, pin, pintle, pole strap, pommel, proportion, proportions, quoit, radius, range, reach, reins, ribbons, ring, rivet, roller, rope, saddle, safety pin, scale, scope, screw, seal, sennit, setscrew, shaft tug, side check, size, skewer, slide fastener, snaffle, snap, snubbing post, spike, splice, spread, staple, stirrup, strap, string, strop, stub tenon, surcingle, suspenders, swaddle, swathe, tack, tackle, tag, tendon, terret, thole, tholepin, thong, thumbtack, tie, tie beam, tie up, toggle, trappings, treenail, truss, tug, twine, vise, volume, waistband, whang, width, winker braces, wire, wrap, wrap up, wristband, wristlet, yoke, zipper, zodiac, zone