Synonyms and related words :
abandon hope, accommodate, adjust, aye, back down, beat down, become suicidal, bend, break, break off combat, break open, break up, burst, carry away, catch a crab, cave, cave in, cease resistance, cheapen, collapse, come apart, come off, come undone, come unstuck, compose, compound, compromise, conk out, cop out, crack, crack up, crumble, cut, cut a crab, cut prices, decline, deflate, depreciate, despair, despair of, despond, devaluate, disintegrate, dive, droop, drop, duck responsibility, evade responsibility, fade, fail, faint, fall, fall in price, fall off, fall to pieces, falter, feather, feather an oar, fissure, fizzle out, flag, flop, flop down, flump, flump down, fly apart, founder, fracture, get loose, give, give and take, give away, give ground, give in, give out, give up, give up hope, go down, go downhill, go fifty-fifty, go soft, go to pieces, hit rock bottom, hit the skids, jew down, languish, lapse, lose heart, lose hope, lower, make a deal, make an adjustment, make concessions, mark down, meet halfway, nose-dive, pace, paddle, pare, peel off, peg out, peter out, pine, play politics, plop, plop down, plumb the depths, plummet, plump, plunge, ply the oar, poop out, pull, punt, quit the field, reach a compromise, reach the depths, reduce, relax, relent, row, row away, row dry, rupture, sag, scull, set, settle, settle down, shave, ship oars, shoot, sink, sink down, sink into despair, sky an oar, slash, slouch, slump, slump down, snap, split, split the difference, spring a leak, spring apart, start, strike a balance, strike a bargain, submerge, submit, subside, surrender, swag, take the mean, touch bottom, trim, unbend, unravel, weaken, wear away, wear thin, wilt, yield, yield to despair